3 girls pose with large cheque donated by milbank concrete products to Braintree martial arts centre

Local martial arts centre supported with £1,000 donation

Milbank Concrete Products donate £1,000 to Martial Arts Centre Braintree

Milbank donate £1000 cheque to support martial arts centre braintree

We have a responsibility within the community to ask not what it can do for us, but what can we do for it? Providing Community Support is a core objective within our overall strategy, from offering local employment to supporting local schools, sports clubs, charities and other notable causes.

When we were contacted by The Martial Arts Centre Braintree and heard all about the achievements the young ladies there were making, we knew we had to do something to show our support and get involved.

We were delighted to offer a £1,000 donation to contribute towards the cost of attending the World Karate Championships in the U.S.A. in July, where Isla, Evie and Abbie have been chosen to represent Karate England – an extremely exciting opportunity and one to be immensely proud of!

From all at Milbank Concrete Products, good luck and make us proud girls!

To discuss potential sponsorship opportunities, contact us directly:
[email protected] | 01787 223931